Dr Heikal Mahmoud Clinic

The negative effects of obesity

dr Heikal Mahmoud

The decision to get rid of obesity must be based on a correct commitment and a firm will. This decision comes only from a person whose priority is his health. So if your health is the most important thing for you, the decision to undergo bariatric surgery will be the first decision you take to lose overweight.

What are the diseases associated with obesity?
Obesity is usually accompanying by other diseases and can lead to death, including chronic physical and psychological diseases, such as:
- Type 2 diabetes.
- High blood pressure disease.
- High cholesterol disease.
- Coagulopathy.
-Liver and kidney diseases.
- Vascular obstructive diseases.
- Inactivity and laziness.
- Depression.
- Lack of self-confidence.
- Loneliness and isolation
- Arthritis and joint stiffness.
- Back pain.
- Delayed pregnancy.
- Heart disease.
- Shortness of breath and lack of sleep may lead to insomnia.

Can obesity lead to delayed pregnancy for women?
The women's weight gain leads to female hormones disturbances, especially when fat accumulates in the abdominal area. This leads to delay and disturbance in the ovulation process. So the occurrence of pregnancy becomes difficult and in some cases impossible. The only and optimal solution is to get rid of excess weight and obesity through several ways, including traditional methods such as exercising regularly or following a healthy diet. Even if these traditional methods fail to get rid of obesity, there is still a chance of being a mother and enjoying healthy motherhood through the safest and effective ways with Dr. Heikal Mahmoud.

Can obesity lead to men’s erectile dysfunction?
Many men wonder about the consequences of obesity, excess weight, and fat accumulation at their sexual weakness. Dr. Heikal Mahmoud responds and explains simply the effect of excess weight, especially the accumulation of fat in the rumen area of men on the quality of sperm, which in turn, leads to a disturbance in their fertility.

What are the best solutions to get rid of excess weight if the traditional methods of getting rid of obesity fail?
There are many traditional ways to lose weight, but what if these methods fail to get rid of obesity and excess weight, how can you get rid of excess weight easily and also safely without complications or health problems resulting from weight loss? 

Bariatric surgeries are one of the best and safest medical methods to get rid of obesity, and there are several types of these surgeries that Dr. Heikal Mahmoud performs with excellence and with the latest technologies:

- J shape Gastric Sleeve: Dr. Heikal Mahmoud uniquely performed it to get rid of excess weight without the need to take vitamins for more than two or three months at most.
- Gastric Bypass Surgery: Dr. Heikal Mahmoud is distinguished by using the latest technology in gastric bypass, which includes a short link of 1.5 cm between the stomach and intestines. This short link leads to the existence of food for a longer time, thus spacing out periods of hunger and losing weight safely and quickly.
- Sasi Bypass Surgery.
- Redo Bariatric Surgeries.
- The Smart Capsule.