Dr Heikal Mahmoud Clinic

Type 2 diabetes is a result of obesity

insulin resisitance

The dangers and complications of obesity are more severe than just excess weight that may hinder the patient from wearing his favorite clothes.

The patient must be fully aware of the seriousness of obesity and understand the impact of its complications on his life.

Complications of obesity are so significant, including:
- Elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body, leading to vascular diseases, high blood pressure, and heart failure.
- Inflammation and roughness of the joints and the spine vertebrae as a result of the abnormal weight of the body that is difficult to bear; causing severe pain that may hinder the movement of the obese patient.
- Bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.
- The body immunity is reduced because the accumulated fat makes the body couldn’t stand up to any bacterial, viral, or fungal infection that may threaten the body of an obese patient.
- Fatty liver, which may develop into liver hypertrophy or liver failure.
- Delayed childbearing in both men and women, due to hormonal imbalances caused by obesity.
- Obesity increases the risk of developing cancer.
-Obesity elevates the incidence of Type 2 diabetes.

How do obese people develop type 2 diabetes?
Obese people develop type 2 diabetes due to increased triglyceride levels:

1- Many cases with high triglycerides develop diabetes, and other cases with type 2 diabetes lead to high triglyceride levels.
2- Elevated levels of triglycerides in the body lead to the accumulation of these fats in the blood vessels, thus developing hypertension, which in turn leads to type 2 diabetes.
3- The high level of triglycerides leads to pancreatitis, putting the patient at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
4- Increasing the percentage of triglycerides in the blood causes reduction of the secretion of the enzyme Gnt-4a, which is necessary for the pancreatic beta cells to absorb glucose and observe its blood ratio, to secrete the appropriate amount of insulin to maintain a balanced rate of the blood. So, the lack or absence of the Gnt-4a enzyme puts an obese patient at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

By developing insulin resistance:
1- The accumulation of fat in the abdomen and waist area causes an imbalance in the rate of burning or metabolism, which leads to insulin resistance and thus type 2 diabetes.
2- Insulin resistance can also occur due to excess weight. It reduces the sensitivity of insulin receptors in body cells, which causes a high blood sugar level and thus type 2 diabetes.
3- In addition, insulin resistance in liver cells can be due to fat cells because of the secretion of the hormone Resistin.

Complications of type 2 diabetes:
The patient will suffer from many complications if Type 2 diabetes is not controlled, such as:
- Peripheral neuritis (hands and feet).
- Vision impairment and retinal detachment, which may lead to complete loss of vision.
- Diabetic foot problems may lead to amputation of the limb and in some serious cases may lead to blood poisoning and death.
- The incidence of diabetic coma.